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Friday Shabbat in Plymouth Meeting Cancelled Tomorrow Night :(

12/05/2024 06:53:21 PM


​​​​​​​December 6th in
Plymouht Meeting

Due to unavoidable circumstances, we must cancel services tomorrow at thRead more...

This Friday: Shabbat in Plymouth Meeting

12/03/2023 11:24:09 PM


Shabbat This Friday,
​​​​December 8th
Plymouth Friends Meeting House
7:30 pm 

10 days, 21 hours, 28 minutes, 35 seconds,left

09/04/2023 07:45:25 PM


Beiteinu, "Our House", would love to have you join us.  We recognize that our faith is not one size fits all.  We would like to help accommodate aRead more...

Not Asking For a Thing! We Want to Help Others

03/23/2021 11:29:48 PM


Hunger Exists All Around Us

“Hunger” is an evocative word. Everyone understands what it feels like to be hungry. Our stomachs start rumbling. We Read more...

Not Asking For a Thing! We Want to Help Others

03/23/2021 11:24:59 AM


Hunger Exists All Around Us

“Hunger” is an evocative word. Everyone understands what it feels like to be hungry. Our stomachs start rumbling. We Read more...

The power of us

09/19/2020 12:01:00 PM


Rabbi Howard Cove


Most of the prayers in the Machzor (the High Holiday prayer book), are written in the plural: help us, save us, return us, forgive us, and so on.
During my adulthood, I have
had the opportunity to travel
to India, Mexico, to the islands
of Puerto...

Are you ready to forgive? High Holidays are two weeks away!

09/14/2019 12:08:48 PM



The High Holidays are only a month away.  Where will you be spending your high holy days? Beiteinu, "Our House", would love to have you join us.  We recognize that our faith is not one size fits all.  We...Read more...

“Every individual is a pillar on which the future of Judaism rests." -Abraham Joshua Heschel

09/04/2018 09:23:22 PM



The High Holidays are one week away.  Where will you be spending your high holy days? Beiteinu, "Our House", would love to have you join us. Beiteinu recognizes that our faith is...Read more...

Protests in Gaza- Dig Deeper

06/09/2018 12:52:29 PM


In the past month, I have been reading different perspectives after the most recent Israeli - Palestinian conflict, on the Gaza border. The cacophony of opinions and accusations can make it impossible for us to sort out the facts. The shrillest voices on each side are offering their own mutually exclusive...Read more...

Writing your Own Eulogy: Life as a Journey

02/10/2018 04:51:13 PM


“For though the good person may fall seven times, that person will arise once again”. (Proverbs 24:16)

We, the Jewish people, have been shaped by the earliest journeys of our ancestors. From Abraham and Sarah leaving their land, birthplace and father’s house and traveling to an...Read more...

Silence Can NOT Be the answer

08/28/2017 03:49:22 PM


As I contemplate the events from Charlottesville to Barcelona, I think about the words of a prayer I recently heard: “You have given us a wonderful and horrible world, God. Why? Why is this world so beautiful and yet so full of pain and evil? Why do some live in peace while others live in fear and...Read more...

Yom Hashoah; what did you do and what will you plan for the next year?

05/05/2017 02:31:41 PM


On the Hebrew calendar, four days following the celebration of Passover, we find the observance of Yom Hashoah. This is the annual Memorial Day for those who were killed in the Holocaust. Shoah is from the Hebrew word meaning catastrophe and holocaust from the Greek meaning sacrifice by...Read more...

What Are You Doing to Pass Decency and Freedom On to your Children

01/20/2017 09:40:28 PM


  This week I read an article that offered the following opinion: One of the trends most threatening to Jewish survival is that we are not transmitting to the next generation those aspects of Judaism that helped us form our Jewish identities. We, as Jewish adults, are not doing enough to share and model for them...Read more...

This Election & Thanksgiving

11/20/2016 09:39:02 PM


In the week since the national election, conversations with my children have been dominated by their reaction to the results. They expressed sadness; that Hillary lost, worry; that our country will reverse the progress being made for a healthier...Read more...

Where is God When Tragedy Strikes?

09/12/2016 09:37:48 PM


Rabbi Cove

Monday, September 12th, 2016

On a plaque in the museum to memorialize the events on September 11 2001 the following is written: “remember the days after September 11 when we came together as one, on the worst day we have experienced as...Read more...

Preparing Our Hearts for the High Holy Days 5777

09/05/2016 09:35:56 PM


Monday, September 5th, 2016

We are approaching Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; holidays which attract more Jews to services than any other time of the year. As a Rabbi, in full High Holy Day preparation mode, I take responsibility to create a vibrant and...Read more...

Choosing Our Words:  To Hurt or To Heal?

08/08/2016 09:33:27 PM


Monday, August 8th, 2016

First a little Jewish history. At sundown on Saturday August 13th the Jewish community around the world will mark the fast day called Tisha B’av. This commemoration remembers the destruction of both the...Read more...

The Art of Forgiveness

07/23/2016 09:30:38 PM


Saturday, July 23rd, 2016   Recently, as I was about to conduct a funeral, the undertaker said something I found peculiar. He said, ”we will cut the ribbons for the children separately and for the brothers separately. It is best not to bring them...Read more...

The Six Million

05/06/2016 09:29:14 PM


Friday, May 6th, 2016

  This year, May 5th marked the annual observance of Yom HaShoa, known as Holocaust Remembrance Day. This day is designed for us to pause and remember the unspeakable tragedy of the murder of millions of human beings. If the truth be...Read more...

Love of Judaism

04/08/2016 09:27:46 PM


Saturday, April 9th, 2016

    I am grateful for the Jewish professionals and the institutions they represented for helping me to create the relationship with Judaism that I cherish today. The synagogues, the Jewish summer camps I was...Read more...

Prayer- Personal Connections with G_D

01/19/2016 09:23:40 PM


Tuesday, January 19th, 2016

During religious prayer services, it has been my experience that only a small percentage of those present participate in the actual worship. Whether it be during the High Holidays or Shabbat, a small number of people in the...Read more...

Bringing in 2016 with Little Louie

12/29/2015 09:09:52 PM


Tuesday, December 29 th, 2015

I never imagined I would ever consent to adopting a pet. As a child, I, like so many others won a goldfish at a Purim carnival (and that survived a full month in that little bowl); certainly no cats or dogs. I appreciated animals at...Read more...
Wed, 22 January 2025